2020 Take Away.
It's February and I know you have dived into action whatever you had as your resolution for the year.Well as for me looks like am in China, without the corona virus of cos. Hopeful it's contained.My year has just begun.Topping my list is reviving my blog.I can't believe it has been five years without any update.A lot has happened.Life moved on so fast.From relocating,settling down with my better half and to embracing motherhood.Phew! I got to create time,right. Read Information is power and there is no better way other than reading.The knowledge base is wide you just have to know your interest and delve into it.Buy a book and read.Feels good to peruse through the pages.Enjoy it.Better still invest in a kindle.Everyone has a smart phone install this app 'anybooks' and read on the go.Is it fiction,trilogy,autobiography etc read something new.If you know a second language try read the same. Learn What do you do? What is your profession?What are those interests that...