
Change your thoughts to change world.Did you know that what you think even in your subconscious mind would eventually influence your actions?
To be a great thinker observe the following:

Think beyond

Don't limit yourself.Most people limit themselves to what they think they can do.You can go as far as your mind lets you.For what you believe remember you can achieve.Do not let other people think for you.Break your thoughts boundaries to explore what is in store.Think beyond the bad situation you are the re is something.People who think of illness attract more of it and those who think of prosperity are more successful.

Positive energy
The law of attraction says it is always true that what you feel,what you think and what you get always match.Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting yourself to.
As you perceive something,you give birth to a thought,and this thought now thinks.Now that it exists,now that it has been conjured,now that it has been focused,now it vibrates.
You think of what you don't want and end up attracting more of it.Direct your energy to positive thinking,positive attitude with gratitude to ultimate altitudes.

What you think is what you feel
Thoughts affect your feelings.Good thoughts have good feelings as well bad thoughts have bad feelings.If your thoughts bring good feelings then know you are on the right track or otherwise.Whatever you feel is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming.Trust your gut.You can change your emotions immediately by changing your thoughts.

A belief is a thought you keep practicing.
Think ,visualize pay attention and actualize.

 A man is but a product of his thoughts,what he thinks he becomes-Mahatma Gandhi.
You are what you think,all you are arises with your thoughts.You can change every aspect of your life by selective thinking,POSITIVE THINKING.
Choose your thoughts wisely for you are the masterpiece of your life.


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